
Saturday, December 14, 2013

What happened in 1983?

Althrough our inquiry about Mata Amritanandamayi, we have seen the same allegation several times : "Amritananda Mayi went underground in 1983 when the police confronted about 26 women who claimed to be possessed by gods and goddesses."
This statement is made among others in an article written by Basava Premanand, a rationalist who claims that he would be happy to see a real miracle before he dies. He seems to spend a major part of his time debunking the fake miracles performed by so call godmen and godwomen.

In another article, he explains that he would like to seriously study the miracles and psychic phenomena but he only comes across deceitful tricks. The major miracle makers like Mata Amritanandamayi refuse to meet him and to put their powers to the test.

Anyway, what really happened in 1983? Mata Amritanandamayi's official biography mentions several miracles. Is she able to perform them publicly nowadays or are these false claims?