
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Is there a puppeteer?

We all know that Amma the mother of millions rushed to help the tsunami victims in 2004. She pledged what? 18? 36? Maybe 43? Nevermind. She pledged plenty of millions of dollars to feed people, rebuild houses, grant healthcares... We feel like exclaiming "How Compassionate"! Then we have recently found some pieces of information that make us want to also shout "Such hypocrisy"!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

French psychoanalysis for downloading

The french psychiatrist and spiritual seeker Jacques Vigne has scrutinized the book "Holly Hell" by Gail Tredwell as well as Sudhamani Idamanel's personal history, in order to have a better understanding of the current issues.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Is Home Ministry part of the evil plot against Amma®?

We debate a lot about the now famous FCRA. Their is something weird in the way that Amma® declares her foreign incomes and their use. But in face of our nasty attacks, she claims that her account books are neat and clean.