The woman born as Sudhamani Idamannel, known
to the world as Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma),
the “Hugging Saint” has a public
image that has been highly groomed by a slick public relations machine that
presents her as a great humanitarian, as well as being a guru so “pure” that
she does not even have the bodily functions of a normal woman.
Glossy brochures are given out at all her
public hugging sessions promoting her Embracing the World program of
humanitarian and charitable ventures. For which she seeks donations, and even
leaves donation envelopes on the chairs for the audience.
A number of her former devotees have now
revealed that this woman is in fact Embezzling
The World. Taking the world for a ride.
This so-called “Living Goddess” and “Saint”
who was born in a small fishing village in Kerala India is in fact anything BUT
a saint.
She rose to fame via her claims to divinity
based on her “purity”, supposedly born as a self-realised being who manifested
Krishna and Devi, and the “miracles” she is alleged to have performed. The man
who was her original publicist, who wrote most of the information in her
biography, and who is still her primary swami and head of her multi-national
organization, has now been revealed to also be her lover.
She is in fact anything but “pure”.
The truth about who this woman really is has finally
been revealed by her former personal attendant of 20 years, Gail (Gayatri)
Tredwell who published an autobiographical work entitled “Holy Hell: A Memoir of Faith Devotion and Pure Madness” in October 2013. It is available from
In this book she reveals that Amma has been
in a secret sexual relationship almost since the beginning with her head Swami
Amritasvarupananda (Balu), the main spokesperson for the ashram.
Not just in a sexual relationship with this
man but also having secretive sexual liaisons with other swamis and men in her
ashram as well.
That this so called “goddess” is definitely a
normal female and in fact menstruated like any other. Even entering and
consecrating temples during this time, which is forbidden under Hinduism.
That Tredwell herself suffered rape and
sexual abuse at the hands of this man Balu, the head ashram Swami and official
representative of Amma’s
international corporation – the M.A. Math.
Amritanandamayi is anything BUT the loving,
compassionate “Holy Mother” figure off stage but more like an out of control
spoilt and childish diva who has screaming temper tantrums in which she lashes
out hitting, kicking, scratching and pulling the hair of those closest to her.
Tredwell for many years was the recipient of her violent rages. Others amongst
her devotees are now also coming out and confirming what Tredwell says. Their testimonies can be found on this
Amritanandamayi is also financially corrupt. Tredwell
was tasked with making secret trips to Amma’s relatives in the Kerala
backwaters to deliver bags of gold and money.
This website also presents hard evidence
based on information supplied by the Indian Home Office section on Foreign
Currency Regulations that less than 10% of foreign monies collected from
overseas donations are actually used for humanitarian and charitable purposes.
That 63% of these monies are being retained in banks offshore from India to
gather interest. That the rest is being used in construction and management
projects to expand her empire of high fee charging profit making colleges and
hospitals. It was estimated in 2012 that Amma had US$342 million sitting in
foreign banks.
That her flagship “charitable” AIMS hospital
in Kochi, Kerala in reality only offers 5% of charitable cases free treatment,
not 50% as her brochures claim.
In 2008 this guru pulled in more foreign
donations for the whole of India than Oxfam!
THAT is why this site is called Embezzling
The World!
We who have established the site are former
devotees of Amritanandamayi and concerned members of the public, committed to
bringing the Truth about this woman to the world and exposing her!
Please join us in helping expose this woman by sending your testimonies to:
amritasatyamayi @
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