To achieve clarity and accuracy, this post gathers the articles written by journalists or internet users for magazines and public blogs. These links were formerly listed in the post called Many ex-devotees and critical opinions. The backpackers also give their opinion.
Hugging saint embraces vendors too April Dembosky for Market Place
The author questions the commercial aspect of Amma's program. The devotees are convinced that 100% of the money is spent in charities.
Here's Comes A New Crop of Jokers from India Mike Strobel for SikhChic
The author suspects that the power of the darshan comes from oxytocin.
India's New Age Charlatans Sheela Reddy for SikhChic
She rather believes that the devotees are in search of someone who will fill their spiritual void.
The Hugging Saint Jason Pitzl-Waters for The wild Hunt
The author warns against the nationalist connections of Amma and the growing commercialism of her organization.
Profile: India's 'hugging saint' Mata Amritanandamayi Murali Krishnan for Radio Australia
Sociologist Dipankar Gupta thinks that "her popularity with foreigners shows a misplaced view of India as a home of spiritualism".
Gods of bad things Sonia Sarkar for The Telegraph
Sanal Edamaruku, president of the Indian Rationalist Association, is not impressed by Amma's charities and gives an excellent hint to discriminate the real guru from the fake godman.
A Test of Faith Arjuna Ranawana for AsiaWeek
The author says that Amma has attracted some devotees on the claim that she can ward off a curse known as "Manglik"
Most Controversial Indian Spiritual Leaders CouponHub
This blog which reports hot deals in India, have listed Amma among the most controversial gurus.
Outsider Vs. Insider Doctrine of the Hugging Saint CHSaint for ArticlesBase
The author is not afraid to use the word that many devotees fear : "CULT". Amma is a tireless humanitarian figure for the outsiders but a goddess for the insiders, thus her organization is eligible to be qualified as a cult.
Meet the woman who's hugged 33 million people and me Jemima Thackray for The Telegraph
The journalist feels a bit uneasy about her experience at the London's program. She would have preferred a chat instead of a hug.
Amma, 'Hugging Saint' of India, Stirs Controversy Over Refusal to Honor Hotel Boycott PR Newswire
Amma stirred controversy over refusal to honor hotel boycott in Los Angeles in 2008, in spite of the workers and strikers request.
Amma, “Hugging Saint” Of India, Leaves Boycotted Hotel After Two Years of Appeals Laane
Amma finally agreed to honor the hotel boycott after 2 years of media battle.
There’s No Such Thing As A Free Hug Mumbai Boss
The editors of this website have invented a new word : "huggate".
Amma, the hugging saint Jenny Kleeman for The Guardian
The journalist considers that there is nothing spiritual in all this.
The Big Squeeze David Amsden for Rolling Stone
The famous article has been published in the indian edition of Rolling Stone magazine.
Amma: the downside of a saint Guruphiliac originally published on Spuren
The interview that Gail Tredwell has given to a Swiss online magazine has been censored, following legal threats from Amma's PR Team. Fortunately guruphiliac have translated and copied it before it was unpublished.
The AMMA Controversy Spuren
The magazine has published a few explanations to justify the article's depublication
Godmen's own men Dhamini Ratnam and Prachi Sibal for MiD DAY
The journalists wonders who the main godmen of India have chosen to be their successors. They inform us that Bala Gopal founded the M.A. Math with 5 college mates and all the trustees have signatory powers.
USP and assets of Godmen, who share the podium with Baba Ramdev for The Economic Times
The Economic Times of India published a funny cartoon.
Easy money makers arround Metrocity for Qatar Living
The author claims that the tsunami relief effort was rather an investment which enabled Amma to multiply her money-gathering a hundred times.
Amma’s Multifaceted Empire, Built on Hugs Jake Halpern for The New York times
A devotee who remains anonymous by "fear of being identified as a dissenter within the community" contradicts what Amma says about her relation with her followers.
Rise Of A God Woman And The Right To Expression A Sidharth for
The prosecution of Mr. Sreeni Pattathanam who wrote a book about Amma.
Move to prosecute rationalist leader criticised The Hindu
The prosecution of Mr. Sreeni Pattathanam has been seen as an infringement on the freedom of expression.
The Proliferation of Hindu Cults Outside India Mehul Kamdar for Mukto-Mona
This article put the stress under the powerfull protections that she benefits from.
Writer demands probe into Amrita Mutt’s wealth Sify News
A famous writer suspects Amma of being used as an instrument by vested interests.
Amritanandamayi Math among 240 irregular tax exemption cases The Indian Express
In spite of all the powerfull protections the M.A. Math is suspected.
Devil's Work In God's Name Ka Shaji for Tehelka
Dr Sukumar Azhikode has irked Amma's devotees by suggesting that she is a shark.
Sangh embraces the Hugging Saint J. Gopikrishnan for Tehelka
Her organization is closely connected to the nationalists parties
The Lakshmi of our times Paul Zacharia for Tehelka
This writer thinks that Kerala has turned into a regressive religious madhouse.
Business of the gods Shantanu Guha Ray for Tehelka
According to this writer, solace has a price
A Stringent Love Paul Zacharia for Tehelka
The author states that "The people of Kerala have been cheated and denied by religion and by the state"
Two Saints in Kerala’s Spiritual Bazar Paul Zacharia for Tehelka
This article takes a closet look at the competition between Ravishankar and Amritanandamayi
Tsunami: In Kerala, it's religion over relief Rajeev P I for Express India
The author deplore the fact that the tsunami relief turned into a religious war to the detriment of the victims
Everybody Loves A Good Tsunami S Anand for
This author tell what happened behind the scene. The NGOs fought to spend as much as they could.
Student's suicide singes college Jagadish Angadi and Muthi-ur-Rahman Siddiqui for Deccan Herald
The suicide of a student reveals the strange internal rules of Amrita Institute of Technology
VHP activists clash with police The Hindu
A peaceful protext march against Amritanandfamayi goes astray.
Amma's followers on rampage Preeti Puja for Society
Amma's ashramites in New Delhi assault the residents of Green Avenue.
Godwoman's ungodly men Rohinee Singh for MetroNow
Another article about the Green Avenue assault
God On A Phone Line Sheela Reddy for
One of the many article telling how godmen and godwomen have plagued the Indian society.
Life in an Ashram: Spiritual Haven or Glorified Giftshop? Ben Dalton for The Huffington Post
Given the personality cult in Amritapuri, this student find it hard to believe that Amma doesn't ask for recognition.
Holy Hell: The Inside Story of Amma, The Hugging Saint Revealed in New Book by former Personal Assistant Gail “Gayatri” Tredwell Dialogue Ireland
A book review made by a website promoting awareness and understanding of religious issues and cultism in Ireland.
No business, like God business: India's godmen find spirituality to be profitable Ashutosh Kumar and Deepak Lokhande for dna
These 2 authors investigate the transformation of the saint into CEO for spirituality is now in the bank.
The Love Triangle of Godmen, Indian Media and the Naive Public Astitwa for Youth Ki Awaaz
The rise of the godmen explained to the youth
Mata Vs Reason In God’s Own Country TK Devasia for Tehelka
Many articles discuss Sreeni Pattathanam’s prosecution. This one offers us a cover of the forbidden book about Amma.
Indian mystic is no saint, say analysts The Cult Education Institute
An Indian columnist thinks that the Amma's hug certainly brings personal comfort but no social upliftment.
Religion under Globalisation P. Radhakrishnan at the International conference on ‘Religion and Globalisation’
This professor of Sociology at the Madras Institute of Development Studies, thinks that gurus like Amma are created by globalization and fostering the development of Hindutva.
Neighbors don’t embrace plans to build facility for ‘Hugging Saint’ Phaedra Haywood for The New Mexican
Amma's devotees want to build a 16,000-square-foot building near Santa Fe, only to accommodate her venue. The neighbors dont want to let them rip down a bunch of nature, for an event that last 5 days each year.
A Rationalist's Dilemma Sujit Saraf for India Currents
This artistic director based in San Francisco manages a group of Indian theater. Confused to be invaded by gurus advertisements, he wrote and directed a play called "Mataji", based on Amritanandamayi's life.
Naatak troupe rolls with life's changes Sandip Roy for SFGate
This is an interview of Sujit Saraf, the director and playwright who created the play "Mataji", based on Amritanandamayi's life.
INDIA: Law is no exception to god-men or god-women in Scoop
Puzzled by the way that amritanandamayi is protected by politicians, this journalist wonders if there are there two sets of laws in India, one for the ordinary citizen and another for the god-men and god-women.
'Hugging saint' returns to East Bay worship site Karl Schoenberger for Worldwide Religious News
This article mentions the Indian critics which warn against the M.A. Math political ties to Hindu fundamentalists and the prosecution of free speech.
The Living Goddess: Inside Amritapuri Darragh Mullooly for Gti Gazette
This article tells about the disappointment of an Irish backpacker : "I assumed it would be a place where spirituality is promoted, instead, we were just there to worship Amma"
Godmen not new to controversy Gargi Gupta for dna
After the bloody clashes betwen the police and Sant Rampal's disciples, this article reminds that there are many other controversial gurus. Our "Thugging Saint" is part of the list.
Shooting the messenger in The Viewer
By registering a case against the author and five media houses, the police has chosen to shoot the messengers and the victim, instead of acknowledging the revelations by a former inmate of the Math.
Sex scandals and stampedes put Indias godmen in focus in
The Indian rationalist Sanal Edamaruku thinks that a need for answers in an increasingly complex world may account for the success of self-styled gurus like Amritanandamayi.
Mata Amritanandamayi to meet Papa Francis Cynthia Chandran for Deccan Chronicle
"The invitation was extended to her five months back, but due to her prior commitments, she confirmed the date only a few days ago". This article also recalls that secret agency under the Vatican was alledgedly behind launching a malicious campaign against Mata Amritanandamayi.
Japanese found dead at Amrita mutt in Deccan Chronicle
He was a resident of Amritapuri since 2012. His body was found hanging from the toilet ventilator of his accommodation. One more death added to the long list.
In thrall to godmen Nikita Doval for live mint
"There is no more need to pursue canonical texts, no wrestling with complex ethical questions, no need to meditate beyond a point—in fact, indulge in singing and dancing and voila, enlightenment is yours for the taking."
Forgotten dimensions of the “Holy Hell” Parukkutty for Bodhi Commons
Through the instance of Gail Tredwell's book, this article discusses the major role of free labour that secures the success of gurus and their political allies.
India’s Own Jasmin Revolution Shahina KK for Open
The 2011 nurse strike, the whole story! How it began and the scandalous reaction of AIMS
India beyond materialism: A visit to the empire of hugs Peter Rajsingh for DailyMail
"It's as if Amma's cuddles are really a ruse to part Americans from their wallets". Sad truth or materialistic reductionism?
The politicisation of mothering in Hindu missions Professor Tamsin Bradley from University of Portsmouth
This scientific article "argues that despite the centrality of a spiritual message each organisation pursues a less obvious political and gender shaped vision of the world". Far from being just human, women must be mothers, like they have always been.
Brand Amrita M. Samraj for Frontline
This article sums up the whole story of Mata Amritanandamayi from her debut miracles to the various controversies. It shows how a small spiritual center turned into an international trust.
The Soft Nationalism of Amma, India’s Hugging Saint Ariel Sophia Bardi for Los Angeles Review of Books
"While outside of India, Amma is admired for her New Age veneer and a seemingly ecumenical approach — including a Christmas pageant at her ashram in Kerala, and a repeated insistence on unity — both her spiritual lexicon and political vocabulary are uniformly Hindu"
FIR against college officers after student's suicide
in Deccan Herald
A strange case that ended tragically in a college. Several administrative officers have been booked for abetment to suicide and destroying evidence over student's alleged suicide.
Kochi: Medico jumps off college to end her life in Deccan Chronicle
One more suicide in Amma's college...
Mata Amritanandamayi’s Math Is Smothering Kerala's Environment With Violations, Documents Show K.A. Shaji for Huffington Post
In Alappad, the panchayat office has identified 508 Costal Regulation Zone rules violations involving encroachments and illegal constructions
In union there is strength
We believe that Indian guru Mata Amritanandamayi known as the “Hugging Saint” is Embezzling The World. Help us to spread the truth about her.
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