Are we blind and mean to the point of tormenting a poor innocent Thugging Saint who humbly collects donations out of compassion for humanity? If such is the case then we are pleased to announce that we are not the only ones.
On the 30th of October 2014, the Home Ministry of India issued a notice to over 10,000 associations in an attempt to bust illegal funds. It seems like these institutions registered under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act, failed to file mandatory annual returns for three successive years starting 2009-2010. Amritapuri's Math is targeted by the notice. When is the due date for FCRA?
"associations registered under FCRA 2010 must submit annual report in Form FC-6, accompanied by an income and expenditure statement, receipt and payment account, balance sheet etc for every financial year, to the Union home secretary within nine months of closure of the financial year"The financial year ends on March 31 each year, so the form must be filled before December 31 but it is not enought. All relevant documents must also be provided to support the financial statements. Does Amma® fail to fill the FCRA and give the justifications in time or is the Home Ministry part of the global plan against Her Holine$$ Mata Amritanandamayi? Our dear readers can have a look at the fancy look of her FC-6 Forms to make up their own mind.
As a reminder this is not the first time that Amritapuri is highlighted by the Indian government for its doubtful accounting. Last year the Math was among 240 irregular tax exemption cases.